
Promote, Form, & Accompany Men To The Priesthood and leaders of the Church

As an apostolic society our members must make their own way in the world while engaged in apostolates that are consistent with the primary charism of the MSA of encouraging vocations to the priesthood.  The We are focused on the following mission areas:

Vocations to the Priesthood:  All members of the MSA are involved in promoting and encouraging  vocations to the priesthood.  If you are between the ages of 19-32 and believe you have been called to be a priest or brother, please contact us.  We also invite you to review the vocations section of this website to learn more about the process of becoming a MSA priest or brother.

Seminary Professors:  MSA members are sever as professors at several seminaries in the world. To serve as a professor at a seminary generally requires a Doctorate degree.  We would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you the process of becoming a seminary professor as a MSA priest. Financial assistance may be available to assist priests having the necessary academic aptitude to finance the cost of receiving this degree. Preparing for our mission in the future Delegation of Vietnam sent five members to the US to study and two members to Peru.  In the USA priests serve as professors at Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, CT as well as other seminaries in the United States.    We also have seminary in Cameroon and Peru. .

Philosophy of God, This is one of philosophy classes which require any member who would like to be a priest have to take it. Fr. Legault, MSA, PhD with his students at Holy Apostles College and Seminary

Parish Work:  Without losing sight of our charism of promoting vocations, MSA priests  and brothers serve the Church at local parishes.  When possible we try to have a minimum of three MSA members assigned to a parish so they can live a communal life as required by our Constitution.

Retreat Centers:  Several MSA priests work at retreat centers which enables them to identify candidates to the priesthood as they serve the People of God.

Youth Ministry: The youth are the future of the Church. Guiding the youth live and follow the Church teaching is one of our missions. We train the youth become young leaders for the Church as well know as The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement. Who are trained they will become leaders of .a youth group. We have been training a lots of youths as the leader for the The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth in some parishes.

Before starting a new apostolate we ensure that it is consistent with our charism,  seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and ensure that it will allow members to live, pray, and work in community.