The purpose of the initial formation is to guide the candidate
to gradually assume the charism of the Society.
~ MSA Constitution Article 66 ~
to gradually assume the charism of the Society.
~ MSA Constitution Article 66 ~
The time of initiation into the MSA is called Postulancy. The word comes from the Latin,postulare, which means “to ask.” Essentially, a Postulant is asking to discover more about the MSA way of life by living it within the community.Postulancy can last from 6 months to three years. During this time, a candidate is devoted to experiencing the fraternal and ministerial life of our community, and to learning more about the MSA, our Delegation of Vietnam, and about our founder. During this time, candidates have a formal place within our community, but are not yet members of the Society.
Members generally complete their Postulancy at the MSA house pointed by Animator.
At the end of the time of initiation, upon the Postulant’s written petition, it is up to the General Animator to admit a Postulant to the time of probation (Novitiate).