

This time of formation aims, above all, for a new conversion to Christ
following the demands of the evangelical message for today
in order to become truly, an Apostle.
~ MSA Constitution Article 78 ~
The MSA novitiate program begins in a private ceremony, where the novices receive their MSA tan habit.  Over the next nine months to a year, the novices will be formed into new apostles for the current age.
Novices who successfully complete this period of probation are welcomed as temporary members of the Society. At this public ceremony they make their first promises, receive the insignia of the MSA, and are officially welcomed at Brothers into the society.A member may complete his novitiate either in Vietnam, Peru or the United States. The location is determined by the General Animator in consultation with the Formation Committee.

The novitiate period includes moments of both private and communal prayer, in-house and outside classes-workshops-seminars, fraternity, manual work, and other activities in line with the goals of this stage of formation. Thus the program includes:

Communal Prayer: Daily Eucharist, the Liturgy of the Hours, Common Meditation, Common Catholic Devotions, Adoration/Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Private Prayer: Spiritual Reading, Solitude, Days of Recollection, Spiritual Direction, Personal Devotions and Meditation.

In-House Classes: MSA History,Founder’s Spirituality, Rule and Constitutions of the Society, Liturgical-Devotional-Contemplative Prayer, History of Apostolic Life, the Gospel Counsels.


Other Activities: Manual Labor which promotes the growth of the community, Outside Apostolates ( Ministry of Presence), Workshops-Seminars on a variety of topics (Scripture, History of Provinces, Mariology…), Fraternity and Recreation, and participation in the life of the Society.